A Little Story

Tuesday 28 August 2007

God was talking with His angels one ‘day’.

Great multitudes of holy Beings were lovingly gathered in awe and endless love around God worshipping their exalted and exquisite Creator.

‘Oh! most beautiful, most glorious most wondrous Being, we love You more than all and any of your vast and glorious and infinite exalted Creations. You are the most wonderful most beautiful the most generous the most intelligent the most loving.’

‘All we wish is to merge with your bliss and glory, to become You.’

God listened to these wonderful angels and replied,

‘Oh beautiful beings of light, oh My sweet creations’

‘I am all glory and all beauty and all power. I am the essence of being, awareness, love and giving and generosity. Vast and endless are My creations. And vast and endless is My power’

‘If I allow you to begin to become Me without having all My abilities and awareness and intelligence, My fore knowledge and My many other wondrous attributes, this would create a vast and endless calamity’

And God considered the desire of these beautiful angels these beings of Love.

‘I am generosity personified. I am love personified. I am Intelligence personified. Because of My great love for you, My children, I will grant you what you desire’

‘This is My plan’

‘I will create an Illusion and I will place you in this Illusion. The Illusion will be so wonderful and so real and so magnificent that you will not be able to tell that it is not real’

‘I will allow you to play in this illusion. In this Illusion I will give you all My powers. You will be able to experience Me. Within the bounds of this Illusion you will be able to do all things. There will be no bounds to your powers. You will in essence be Me but limited in the Illusion. Because you will be ignorant on being placed in this Illusion you will make many mistakes. But this will not matter because all your mistakes will be Illusionary. Even if you attempt to destroy My whole Illusion you can do no harm with the powers that I am going to give you because all you will be doing is destroying an Illusion.’

‘This Illusion will be so powerful that it will continually draw you into its unreality. When I place you in this Illusion, it will take great skill and intelligence from you to be able to discern what is real and what is unreal’

‘One thing I must tell you. In the Illusion I will create three particular vast and seemingly infinite aspects, namely, continuing creation of the Illusion, maintainance of the intricacies and beauties of the Illusion and destruction of the Illusion. To create the Illusion, I will create a vibration. This vibration will appear in and on a brilliant mirror called Mind to create a three dimensional illusionary cosmic arena called space. This vibration will create an attribute called motion which will in turn create a further attribute called time. Vibrational motion will resonate and resound in seemingly infinite amazing ways and thus create and sustain the Illusion. Where they harmonise they will create beautiful Illusionary shapes and flowing movements. Where vibrations clash they will destroy the Illusion. These vibratory illusionary forms will thus appear in an Illusionary cosmos.’

‘The Illusion will be very beautiful indeed’

‘You will live within this realm of three dimensions and motion (and time) passing through endless cycles of creation (birth), sustenance (life) and destruction (death), all Illusionary.’

‘You will be regaled by many and varied and endless experiences’

‘You will create endlessly as I do. Every thought will be your involuntary creation. Thought will lead to word, and word to action.’

‘If your creative powers are focused on your little ‘i’ or ‘me’ or ‘mine’ you will be drawn deeper into the Illusion. If your creative powers are focused outwardly and generously and lovingly to all creation you will gradually be given more of My powers and will be drawn inevitably towards Me.’

‘In this way you will learn in safety how to truly use all of My powers and abilities’

‘I will always be there, but invisible to you in the Illusion, to protect and support you, even though you will not know I am there. You will truly be My greatest creations’

‘No matter what mistakes you make in your journey from ignorance to enlightenment you can do no real harm, since any apparent harm you do will be Illusionary’

‘Finally after many experiences, after many Illusionary births and lifes and deaths you will safely learn all My powers and abilities and you will be drawn towards Me. Then you can finally obtain your desire and merge in reality with Me’

‘This is My plan My children’

‘What do you think?’

And a vast angelic chorus of joy and adoration and gratitude echoed through the infinity of creations of God and the angels felt great love and exquisite gratitude towards our great most beautiful and glorious Creator for giving us our desire.

And we awaited God’s Illusion and our turn to take part in this exquisite experience and opportunity.